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Artistic series of 13 + 2 pictorial Artworks born to raise the consciousness of those who meditate on them. Each work of art has been made in a deep spiritual connection and developed to bring energetic benefits to those who see them. Colors, figures, Sacred Geometries and each consciously placed brushstroke make these works powerful energy portals.


This series is part of the audiovisual production "in The Light of Jewels" carried out by the team: Juliane Renée (Creative vision and poetry, NY), Carlos Carty (Music, Perú) and Pedro Vayu Gallinger (Paintings, Argentina).

Spiritual Series Mission

" The paintings in this series “In the Light Of Jewels Collection” have evolved from Divine Inspirations, Painting in Nature with the Alchemy Resonance music centered in Faith and Love to awaken into high states of consciousness to live a peaceful and happier life."

Juliane Renée

13 Artworks + 2

Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inch. 

High quality in materials: professional acrylics and top-quality fabric with antifungal protection. Protected with a special varnish to guarantee a long life.


These paintings are unique jewels, ideal to energize your space.

An audiovisual masterpiece

We are creating a library of relaxing, healing music designed to activate cell rejuvenation, enhance creativity, awaken consciousness, and facilitate purposeful living in light, love, and peace. “In The Light of Jewels” sound activates your DNA for ascension and healing. The physical, emotional, and energetic healing properties of sound therapy have long been understood by the scientific community. Now we are taking sound healing to the next level. “In The Light of Jewels” will accelerate your progressive personal development. The sound resonance on “Prana” awakens ancient expressions in your DNA for a clearing and healing transformative listening experience. Our DNA and the seals between our DNA contain electro tonal sound patterns and frequencies, a Breath of Consciousness. When our consciousness connects to that frequency and takes it in, it is that musical frequency that transforms the DNA by activating it. The musical frequencies cause the DNA to come to life, to begin their dance into a new rhythmic pulsation.



Earth Star Chakra
 Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inch.

Fondo degradado

In this first painting of the series, the Diamond is represented, the invincible jewel, the one with the greatest hardness and transparency, a symbol of Eternal Love. We are eternal beings, that life after life, we polish ourselves like diamonds, radiating light, more and more clear and bright. Our radiance increases, when each facet of life is overcome, sublimated and transcended. In this work we can also see the Sacred Geometry Sri Yantra, an ancient symbol that reminds us of the relationship and similarity between the interior and the exterior, the superior and the inferior and all the double opposites that exist. In this Reality all contradictions coexist. Meditating on the Sri Yantra promotes harmony and balance in the inner world. Through the colors I sought to generate a sensation of abundant refreshing air. " My intention with this work is that each person who sees it, takes a deep breath of air and remembers that what is essential to live, is already here and now. " ---------------------------- PRANA - Pedro Vayu Gallinger - acrylic on canvas 24 x 24 inch.- dec. 2021 ---------------------------- The Earth Star Chakra sits about 12 inches (30 cm) below your feet. It is a spinning wheel of light that connects you to Mother Earth, as well as our ancestors, the spirits living within our gemstone and mineral tools, the faerie folk, and humankind’s collective consciousness. Many people feel that the Earth Star Chakra is the most important of the central nine energy centers. Connecting to the Earth Star, or Vasundhara, allows you to ground and root our collective energy more firmly into Gaia’s mortal matrix. Mother Gaia is the mother of all life on Earth, the keeper of ancient and grounded feminine wisdom. The Sanskrit name Vasundhara literally translates to “daughter of the Earth.” Thus, this energy center is your oldest spiritual home.

Ancla 1

The musical arrangement and instruments on “Prana” are purposefully selected, not only for your listening pleasure, but to bathe you in sound therapy which will activate potent relaxation and DNA activation and healing. The frequency of 432 Hz in “Prana” aligns with our planet’s heartbeat and grounds your Root/Muladhara Chakra. Get yourself some DNA activation consciousness with “Prana”, from the album, “In The Light of Jewels”.

released Dec 12, 2021

Music Producer and vocals - Carlos Carty
Music Video Production - Carlos Carty

Artist - Śhakra Jewel

Album cover - Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Copyright by Juliane Renée

license. all rights reserved

SHIVA Pedro Vayu Gallinger JEWELS.jpg

Root Chakra

 Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inch.


This painting was born to stimulate the Root chakra, Mooladhara. Vibrant red colors stimulate us on a physical level. They invite us to action and a sense of personal Power. This work is inspired by the precious gem Red Ruby. Since ancient times it has been thought that rubies had certain powers that protected those who wore them, granting them good fortune, prosperity and protection against negative energies. One of the inspiring purposes is that this image helps to strengthen one's will and self-confidence, improve concentration, encourage motivation and transmit calm. The work is geometrically divided respecting proportions, always playing with 2 and 4. In the center there is a geometry created from duplicating a triangle and turning it into a Rhombus (diamond) and then continuing to expand it, playing with the mirror effect. In an overview we see that the fabric is divided in two. Above the sky, below the sea. We see 4 main petals which are the symbol of the Mooladhara chakra. In the center is SHIVA, representing the Sacred Masculine Energy. His face transmits Peace and at the same time Presence and Power. Inspire stability and prosperity Everything seems to be happening inside a circle/sphere from which rays of light come out. This sphere seems about to explode like a big Big Bang. The right hand in this mudra symbolizes the masculine force, the phallus of Shiva, who in Indian mythology embodies the destructive aspect of the highest divinity. In the same way that the phallus symbolizes a beginning, Shiva represents the divinity that facilitates this new beginning to the extent that it destroys something, in order to create the necessary conditions for renewal. If the flowers did not wither, there would be no fruits either, or if the spent cells in our organism were not destroyed, excrescences would be produced, etc. It is an eternal circle that must function flawlessly in us as well, both physically and mentally. An inner force, which we all have in reserve, keeps it going, and this force is assigned to the Element of Water. This accumulator is fed by the breath. This is why optimal quality of breath is so important. The Water Element acts on the outer edge of the hand and in the center of the hand, while the thumb acts as a conductor for energy that is assimilated through the lungs.

In honor of our ancestors, this is how SHIVA was created:

released January 11, 2022

Music Producer and vocals - Carlos Carty
Music Video Production - Carlos Carty

Artist - Śhakra Jewel


Album cover - Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Copyright by Juliane Renée

license. all rights reserved

Ancla 2

In this meditation track we dance to the rhythm, igniting the beat of our heart with tones of grounding frequencies which activate our ancestral lineage. The Divine masculine awakens deep in the roots of our male ancestors, honoring and healing mankind. This ancient wisdom found within the Muladhara (root) chakra is the foundation of the physical structure of the body and is located at the base of the spine. This is the first chakra in the evolution of mankind and a key component in mastering emotions, nurturing a balanced personality, and understanding the true self. Breathing through this meditative dance awakens the kundalini which moves through and awakens the seven main energy centers (chakras) situated in the spine. This is the place where prana (life force) traverses the subtle body until it reaches the Sahasrara (crown) chakra playfully showing us how we can liberate our minds and become masters of our emotions, thoughts, and actions. In ancient symbolism, the sun represents the power of fire inherent in masculine energy and the moon represents the soothing waters inherent in feminine energy. On a deeper level, in the Cosmic dance of Shiva, we find the connection of balancing male and female qualities defined by the sun and moon symbolism (fire and water) leading us to be better equipped to create the things we want in life. This meditation practice assists in enhancing our Divinely masculine qualities of direction, purpose, freedom and awareness. The masculine energy of Shiva is aware of everything that comes into creation. Your inner masculine side knows who he is and is purposeful in his knowing. There is a deep wisdom and capacity for awareness within. Listen to Shiva Now! The sun and the moon represent the creation of life on earth. All life is born of water and is sustained by the power of the sun. “We n' de ya ho” is sung as a part of the morning prayers, facing the rising sun, welcoming the new day! Oh Great Spirit, we all rise with you! The gravitational pull of the moon keeps the earth balanced and stable. The goal of bringing balance to the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of our being requires disciplined self-control, perseverance and strength. All these qualities are reflected in the dance of Shiva and Shakti. This cosmic dance of bliss is designed to bring both the masculine and feminine sides of your character together. And by doing so, you will find balance and harmony in your everyday life. Rise to dance and breathe love. Namasté, Śhakra Jewel

Gradiente rojo y naranja
SHAKTI Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Sacral Chakra

 Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inch.


In the second chakra beauty flourishes. Orange colors fill us with energy and vigor. It is fire that lights up in the sacral region. In the center of the painting is The Great Goddess. Symbol of Femininity. She has a third eye decorated just like the one we see in SHIVA in the painting of the first Root chakra, showing that they are the two complementary opposite energies, always in Unity and Movement. The Goddess also has a Native American feathered headband on her head. That's because this collection is inspired by the initiation cultures of East and West. We especially reference and draw inspiration from India, Tibet, and indigenous ancestral cultures throughout the Americas. We are inspired by the Meditation and Mantras of the East and Shamanism and the Icarus songs of the Native Americans. It is surrounded by 6 petals, which represent the second chakra Svadhisthana (sexual / sacral chakra). We can also appreciate a kind of circular grid. It is the so-called "Dance of Venus" The journey between Venus and Earth for a certain time. Venus forms an amazing pentagram, also seen as a rose, in its synodic cycle of lower conjunctions with the sun. In various cultures the planet Venus was associated with the beauty and harmony of the cosmos; Seeing the beautiful figure that weaves the orbit of Venus in relation to the Earth, we can appreciate that there is in this a fabulous and mysterious sample of creative cosmic intelligence. Paraphrasing a famous Platonic dictum: "The universe geometrizes." In the work we see hands in the Yoni mudra position, it is one of the best mudras to activate creative, sexual and sensual energies. The energies of the Swadhisthana chakra are responsible for the flow in our lives. This flow is related to the element of water and emotions. The sacral chakra, which includes the intestine, pelvic floor, and belly, contains all deep emotions. The Yoni mudra helps in healing and releasing these emotions, which leads to deep inner peace. The feminine aspects of intuition, emotions and feelings are connected to the sacral chakra. When the yoni mudra is practiced correctly and sincerely, it brings about a balance between the feminine and masculine energy within you. When our internal masculine and feminine energies work in harmony, our lives will be filled with abundance, peace, joy, and any challenges that come our way in life will be met with strength and maturity. This painting is born to awaken and stimulate the Sacred Creative and Primordial Force of Life, the Divine Feminine energy.

Ancla 3
Gradiente rojo y naranja
With a lot of Passion and Love, this is how SHAKTI was created.
Gradiente rojo y naranja

The merging of the energies of Shiva with Shakti brings us the interconnectedness and duality of relationship as represented by Yin and Yang. They are polar opposites, but cannot exist with out the other. As the drums beat and the flute dances Shiva and Shakti flow in perfect union. When Shva chants, the goddess serves him and when Shakti chants, the universal energy serves her. As the listener opens themselves to the creative power of divine energy they can merge with the infinite source within. Shakra Jewel

released Feb 22, 2022

Music Producer and vocals - Carlos Carty
Music Video Production - Carlos Carty

Artist - Śhakra Jewel

Album cover - Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Copyright by Juliane Renée

license. all rights reserved

KARMA Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Solar Plexus Chakra

 Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inch.


Explosion of energy for the Solar Plexus Chakra. In Sanskrit it is named: "Manipura" whose literal meaning is "City of jewels" or "shining jewel". From the 10-petalled lotus emerges a vivid yellow, similar to the sun's rays. In the center is you, full of power, radiating light in all directions. Your radiance draws your path and warms your body with the glow of self-confidence. The hands are looking up. Receiving Light and offering Light at the same time. His head looks at the sky, he perceives the cosmic energy passing through it and resurfacing from within. Everything in this work reminds us of the lively energy of Fire. In the center is the Flower of Life. This sacred geometry represents perfection in all creation. It symbolizes how everything is interconnected and how everything grows and transforms under the same harmonic proportion. The third chakra gives that driving force to act and create life itself. The navel center at the beginning of our life is the first point through which we are nourished. Once your physical connection to the mother is severed, the navel point continues to be (in a more subtle function) an area for gathering energy from the cosmos. This work is born to inspire us to carry out with determination, the just and correct action. Confident, sure, like good spiritual warriors, we clearly know our mission and make it a reality. Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Ancla 4
This work of art is charged with the energy of the rising Sun.

released March 3, 2022

Music Producer and vocals - Carlos Carty
Music Video Production - Carlos Carty

Artist - Śhakra Jewel


Album cover - Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Copyright by Juliane Renée

license. all rights reserved

“Karma” is a sublime musical journey of the soul seeking love. The emotional notes of the flute dance through paradise and sounds from the natural world envelop the listener. The opening notes of the flute and the sound of rain spilling over sand yields to the storyteller’s voice transporting us into paradise “As the sun rises to another day paradise not far away We embark on the journey to a land where spirits blossom in ancient sand In light of love, all four directions drawn to call forth the medicine wheel of life Love Create Celebrate” The flute soars and dances throughout the land and gives way to a beautiful love song which transports us to a paradisiacal and mystical island, telling us about the various phases of loving someone: being close or being distant, staying or disappearing. This track, “Karma,” from the collection, “In The Light of Jewels” will assist the listener to heal from the past and realize personal power by facilitating balance in the solar plexus chakra (Manipura). The element for the solar plexus is fire. When our inner fire is activated our digestion improves. When this chakra is balanced, we feel motivated, purposeful, and confident. As we listen to “Karma” we are brought on a journey where love, confidence, and purpose are developed and embodied. The listener’s solar plexus chakra is gently brought into balance and these qualities can be experienced. Please enjoy these healing affirmations from the track, “Karma,” which will guide you to your own paradise island within. “We are free to do as our soul guides us through love Strength and wisdom gives us courage to flourish Stay strong, true to our vision Embrace the power within We are seekers of love, living in peace and harmony Each day, we rise and shine with the sun rays of light Step by step, moment to moment We are creators of love” Shakra Jewel


NAMASTE Pedro Vayu Gallinger.jpg

Heart Chakra

 Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inch.

The Heart chakra, when healthy and in harmony, radiates high vibrational frequencies. In this painting, I transmit the positive energy of a "Beautiful State of Being". This is simple and powerful Artwork. I started painting it on top of a hill in Argentina that is considered sacred. Its name is Cerro Uritorco. Climbing it was quite a challenge, but painting up there at 2000 meters was a divine reward. I felt my heart burst with joy! Then I continued the work in front of the peace of a beautiful lake. In this Work of Art, the 12-petaled Lotus and the Merkaba star are represented, which are classic symbols of the Anahata Chakra. In the background, there are dozens of shades of green, combined to generate that vibrant effect. These green colors are made with some opaque paints, others metallic and others iridescent. This work is impregnated in each brushstroke with the intention of awakening the Spiritual Heart of those who see it. Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Painting, music, nature and the top of a Sacred Hill, are the seasonings for this powerful painting
Painting, music, nature and the top of a Sacred Hill, are the seasonings for this powerful painting

As the track “Namaste” opens we are mesmerized by the loving and rich vocal tones of our guide as she envelops us with her spoken lyrics. She is pure love, and is guarding and guiding humanity angelically. She calls us to leave behind the ways of war and to embrace love and peace. “We want peaceful humanity, Let’s come together to bring peace and love….No more war, no more inner war, we cannot keep score…Wake up to hear the voices of a brand new song, here to stay, Love and peace be with us, hear the angels singing hallelujah hallelujah…” The word, Namaste translates to “I humbly bow to you”. Inherent within this phrase is the acknowledgement of the equality of all and the call to honor the sacredness of creation. When humility and love are born, spirituality will be born and grow. Humility is acquired by acts of humility and love by acts of love. We are reminded that to love one another is the greatest commandment. Our angelic guide is joined in a duet as we transition out of the heavenly realms and into the earthly space. The listener can feel the warmth and vibrancy of creation as the opening notes of the guitar and flute fill the senses. The lyrics of the song unfold and build on the teachings of our guide. “…We are guardians of this planet…and I pray for you, I pray for you…There are no tyrants that control your freedom…And my heroes are the children who paint peace…” The strong and sensitive voice of our lyricist is joined by a children’s choir in a beautiful vocal explosion. “…The scream is already heard in the streets…We want peace…We want peace.” This track, “Namaste,” from the collection, “In The Light of Jewels” will assist the listener in creating balance in the heart chakra, enhancing compassion, empathy, love, and inner peace. Listening to these healing affirmations from the track, “Namaste,” will guide us to allow peace and love to fill our hearts as we come together to help those in need, and share light with kindness, compassion, and grace. “The heart is our sanctuary A temple of love Our hearts are opening We are forgiven Openly and freely We are connected Love is beautiful, love is kind, love is divine” “Namaste” is our cry for World Peace. We are together, moving into a place of love and peace and even in the darkest moments, the light never goes out. In our hearts we are very conscious of world events and pray every day for peace in all nations. Now, more than ever, it is so important for us to connect with nature as God speaks to our souls through His creation. The lyrics in “Namaste” have been divinely inspired through daily walks in the serene gardens at “The Shrine of Our Lady” in Long Island, New York. It is our prayer that “Namaste” brings hope, comfort, and peace to your hearts. In peace and love, Carlos Carty and Śhakra Jewel

released April 4, 2022

Music Producer and vocals - Carlos Carty
Music Video Production - Carlos Carty

Artist - Śhakra Jewel


Album cover - Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Copyright by Juliane Renée

license. all rights reserved

Ancla 5
Humo azul
BHAKTI Pedro Vayu Gallinger.jpg

Throat Chakra

 Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inch.





In this painting the Sacred Geometry Metatron is represented on a background that simulates the expanding cosmos. Within the Geometry are located the Central Sun of the Galaxy, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Earth, Mercury, Moon, Uranus and our Sun. In the geometry a triangle with a circle in its center is specially highlighted. That is a representation of the 5th chakra Vishuddha. This painting was channeled in deep meditation and painted with the intention that it help "harmonize and strengthen the laryngeal chakra" of those who see it.

Ancla 6

released May 5, 2022

Music Producer and vocals - Carlos Carty
Music Video Production - Carlos Carty

Artist - Śhakra Jewel


Album cover - Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Copyright by Juliane Renée

license. all rights reserved

The track “Bhakti” begins with an atmospheric wind that weaves throughout, evoking the beginnings of time, and connecting us within the cosmos. The wind gives way to a beautifully sonorous voice chanting “Om mani padme hum” which is translated as, “The jewel is in the lotus.” As the full and empathetic voice continues to chant, the listener is filled with the loving and unconditional qualities of compassion. The final note of “Om mani padme hum” is held and blends into the cosmos as we transition to the divinely hypnotic tones of our guide. She welcomes us and tells us that we are here in faith and love. She is supremely comforting and inspiring with her angelic tones. Like the wind, with its power to create and clear, the breath is connected to our voice. Listening to “Bhakti” activates our throat chakra which is the seat of communication, self expression, and the ability to voice our inner truth. “Bhakti” is a song of devotion to humanity and to love. The verses were divinely inspired during daily time spent reflecting in nature. When creating “Bhakti”, the concepts of eating, praying, and loving were central. We eat together not only physically, but spiritually and emotionally as well. We are fed wisdom, support, and guidance through this song. We pray together asking God to give us strength, and we love together in the realization that we are loving and creative beings made by God in His likeness. Like the wind, with its power to create and clear, the breath is connected to our voice. Listening to “Bhakti” activates our throat chakra which is the seat of communication, self expression, and the ability to voice our inner truth. “Bhakti” is a song of devotion to humanity and to love. The verses were divinely inspired during daily time spent reflecting in nature. When creating “Bhakti”, the concepts of eating, praying, and loving were central. We eat together not only physically, but spiritually and emotionally as well. We are fed wisdom, support, and guidance through this song. We pray together asking God to give us strength, and we love together in the realization that we are loving and creative beings made by God in His likeness.

SHANTI Pedro Vayu Gallinger.jpg

- AJNA -
Third Eye Chakra

 Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inch.


Released 6 - 6 - 2022

Music Producer and vocals - Carlos Carty
Music Video Production - Carlos Carty

Artist - Śhakra Jewel


Album cover - Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Copyright by Juliane Renée

license. all rights reserved

The track “Shanti” opens with two voices chanting “Om Shanti Om”. The music swells and the listener feels enveloped in what feels like the dawning of a universe. As the feminine and masculine voices harmonize and echo each other we feel a peaceful calm and we are ready to embark on a healing journey. “Om” is the original sound of all life encompassing the past, present, and future. “Shanti” describes the peace one finds in the depths of the soul. The deep peace that fills our body, mind, and everything around us. This mantra was chosen to prepare us to welcome and activate the sixth chakra, Anja, or “Third Eye”. Located in the center of the forehead, the third eye is our seat of intuition and acts as our center of wisdom and consciousness. The feminine energy of the Anja chakra is embodied in Shanti, who is the goddess of peace. As the chanting fades we are led into a beautiful meditation by our guide. Her powerful and nurturing voice leads us to heal through love.

Ancla 7


AMRITA Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Crown Chakra

 Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inch.


Released 7 - 7 - 2022

Music Producer and vocals - Carlos Carty
Music Video Production - Carlos Carty

Artist - Śhakra Jewel


Album cover - Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Copyright by Juliane Renée

license. all rights reserved

Embrace the light, to trust, live faithfully, and to love. We are comforted knowing that the Lord will protect us and shelter us from life’s many storms. We are not alone. Gaze into this healing masterpiece, as the Holy Spirit presence in the dove calms your heart mind and soul. Settle your eye on the golden Flower of Life sacred geometry. The cycle of creation. For our existence, life on Earth, and the formation of the Universe.

When the track “Amrita” opens we hear two harmonic voices chanting “Alleluia”. The feminine and masculine voices imbue us with a sense of preparation and awe. The “Alleluia” chant flows into a Gregorian chant, “Missa 1 Sanctus”, and the listener is fully brought into the space of reverence and praise of our Lord. As the “Sanctus” chant completes we are greeted with the Rich and loving voice of our guide as she leads us to meditate on her verses: “Spirit protect me, cover me with your feathers, and under your wings I will find refuge. The soul whispers what the heart desires. Listen to your soul and you’ll hear it whisper my name The Holy Spirit whispers I will lead you, take you deeper into your faith keep your eyes above the sunrise as your heart awakens and settles in peace during my sunsets. Lord, thank you for leading me, guiding me, and walking beside me in your light.” Our guide teaches us to embrace the light, to trust, live faithfully, and to love. We are comforted knowing that the Lord will protect us and shelter us from life’s many storms. She lets us know that we are not alone. The flute echoes the teaching of our guide, calling us to attention, to communication with God through the beauty of his universe. As we are joined by the notes of the flute dancing quickly like sunlight over the water, we feel swept up, as if on the back of the condor, rising in the highest winds. And, we know, we are not alone. We are free, and in faithful communion with God. Amrita” celebrates our seventh or crown chakra. This chakra is represented by the color violet and is the physical connection point for a healthy spiritual life. Join us in opening the crown chakra which will elevate and inspire, like a lotus flower with a thousand petals, opening to receive God/s love.

Ancla 8


8 - Bindu Pedro Vayu Gallinger 900x900.jpg

8th Chakra

 Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inch.

This healing masterpiece is the 8th chakra; this is the fusion of the spiritual oneness where we recognize that there is no separate self but rather only one universal consciousness. Because of this, the Soul Chakra is seen as our connection to our “higher self.” Our higher self is what some would refer to as our “real self,” “true self” or the “knowing self.” It is the part of us The 12 DNA Strand Heart Soul-Star Cosmic Mandala visually represents the 'Origin Blueprint essence of Humanity's Divinely Created to call urging a return to the Truth of your Stellar Ancestral heritage. It is time for humanity to awaken and dormant potential you contain.

Released 8 - 8 - 2022

Music Producer and vocals - Carlos Carty
Music Video Production - Carlos Carty

Artist - Śhakra Jewel


Album cover - Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Copyright by Juliane Renée

license. all rights reserved

This Mandala in symbolic language, details the first level anchoring, activation and reconnection into the greater architecture of life humanity is intrinsically flower of life woven throughout the painting. The entire human species as a collective; is an integral participant within the larger structure of sentience and creation - the entire physical universe. This is expressed through your souls embodyment & incarnation into physiology through our beloved Mother Earths planetary life stream. The Entire Mandala is Perfectly Symmetrical and Designed to Awaken Pathways that have been disconnected within humanity for centuries; The Sri Yantra triangulation inherent in the mandalas design is very significant as well. Upon Earth there are pyramid structures on almost every single continent {China, North America, South America, Egypt, etc}. These sacred monuments are aligned along a geometric grid network that surrounds the planet. This is the Ancient Crystalline Super~Computer Grid System that now lays in ruins. The soul is placed in the body, it’s your light that shines like a diamond and has the ability to shine when there is someone to recognize its good facets and allows its flaws. Diamonds have an image of purity and light. Shine brighter with this beautiful painting by VAYU. The healing colors will envelope your eyes into a state of peace and serenity. Written by @juliane_renee @shakrajewel

Ancla 9
Ancla 10


9 - DHYANA Pedro Vayu Gallinger 900x900.jpg

9th Chakra

 Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inch.

“In the Light of Jewels” fine art collection, we present our serene painting for our ninth chakra DHYANA. This energy center connecting you to your soul life purpose and Mother Gaia. This Holagram mandala in the skies has new light codes of activating and transformation for your soul, when you may have lost your way. The location where the Artist Vayu has painted is in Princeville, Kauai. May your soul connect and transform into this light and brighten your way to live a beautiful peaceful life.  We are very pleased to be here in Hawaii where we are celebrating the ancient Hawaiian Prayer Ho’oponopono


Written by

Juliane Renée

Released 9 - 9 - 2022

Music Producer and vocals - Carlos Carty
Music Video Production - Carlos Carty

Artist - Śhakra Jewel


Album cover - Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Copyright by Juliane Renée

license. all rights reserved

The track “Dhyana” explores love and forgiveness through the awakening of the ninth chakra, the Spirit Star. This chakra connects us with the Divine, and when activated, is the door that we can step through to realize our destiny. As the track opens we are welcomed with the sounds of water trickling, birds and frogs singing, and waves tumbling onto the sandy shore. The angelic sound of our guide’s voice reaches our ears as if traveling from the heavens. She sings “Agape,” which is the Greek word for the highest form of love. Agape means transcendent love; the fatherly love of God for us and also our love for God. With her angelic tones our guide beckons us to journey into this Agape love. Our guide joins with a male voice and they speak, “Aloha,” further welcoming and inviting us to absorb the gift of her meditation. Aloha translates as, “Breathing is life.” The clear, loving voice of our guide speaks to us with wisdom…


10 - YANTRA Pedro Vayu Gallinger 900x900.jpg

- Universal 10th chakra -
 Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inch.

released 10 - 10 - 2022

Yantra”” and “Conciencia Estelar””
Carlos Carty
Lyricist & Vocals
Music Producer & Music Video Production
Artist - Śhakra Jewel
Lyricist & vocals
Rainstick and gong

Album Cover - Pedro Gallinger

Copyright by Juliane Renée
all rights reserved

The track “Yantra” celebrates universal love and cosmic connection through the awakening of the tenth chakra, Yantra, (the Universal Chakra). Through this energy vortex which is located two feet above our heads we connect to the infinite flow of all creation. As the track opens we hear breath moving and flowing and the plaintive notes of the flute, heralding the awakening of the new day. The breath, which moves through all, is joined by a heartbeat, which gives life to the breath. They are inseparable. Like the sun’s rays flickering over the horizon at the dawn of a new day, the heartbeat grows stronger and the breath swells into being. Our guide’s voice joins this new day with a beautiful meditation, setting the story for our awakening. Her strong and loving voice speaks to our hearts… “Stepping outside Onto the balcony Starry skies, On the garden island of Kauai… Sing my universe Sing loud and clear You are here Right where you belong… Orbiting around the sun, moon, and stars, dancing In whirlpools of stardust Life is eternal We have stopped for a moment to see each other, to Meet, to love, to share A precious moment… Change your direction to reach your goal Do not change your decision to get there” Our guide instructs us, lovingly, to “Listen to the sounds of universal cosmic sound waves,” and her voice bursts into song with a beautiful, clear OM, the primordial sound which is the vibration of the universe. She is joined by a strong male voice singing in perfect harmony to her clear, sweet tones. Their voices chant, Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha which is a Hindu mantra sung in honor of Ganesha, the master of knowledge and wisdom. This mantra is used to remove obstacles, negativity, and fears. The two voices blend and move back and forth from solo to duet and back again and their chanting is accompanied by a flute which dances between the voices. The trickling na sounds from a rainstick powerfully connects us to the natural world. The music intensifies in speed and rhythm and the voices rejoin in chant moving back and forth and in unison like the meandering water flowing in a river that then meets with the rapids. The native flute flows along with the voices. As the chant completes we are ushered back into the calm waters after the rapids of the river, and we feel calm and energized, ready to move forward, free of obstacles.

The album cover art for ‘Yantra” was created by Vayu, our artist, and it is designed to capture heart and soul as it heals mind and body. When gazing into the star of David mandala in the dawn sky of the painting, the door of our hearts will open to receive the sweet healing melodies of “Yantra.” As we gaze to the left in the painting the silhouette of Ganesha beckons us to open our hearts further to receive his powerful mantra. In the center of the painting above the lava formed island of Kauai, the moon is represented by full and new, shining its peaceful light into our souls. To the right we see the planet Jupiter, who brings prosperity on all levels. We are all deeply interconnected with the universe. Today we are ready to open the hearts of humanity to universal love.

Ancla 11


11 - AKASHA PedroVayuGallinger900x900.jpg

- Galactic 11th Chakra
 Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inch.


​The track “Akasha” honors the divine love that God has for us and also teaches us how to receive that love and ultimately become an instrument of divine love ourselves. The 11th chakra, called the akasha or galactic chakra is connected with one’s higher spiritual powers. When listening to “Akasha” this chakra is activated and opened, facilitating healing and insight. We can begin to see our life’s purpose and feel a connectedness with humanity as we see our place and purpose within it. The track opens with the awakening and clearing sound of a gong. Next, the sounds from the native flute fills us with expectation, like the sun rising above the horizon at the dawn of a new day on a secluded beach. The loving voice of our guide enters with her words of wisdom: “In the womb of the sea divine love makes us true to ourselves and to others Divine love is a sacred flower, which in its early bud is happiness and in its full bloom is heaven… You will find the magic living in relationships, uniting the trees the heavenly skies, the stars, all people and all living things And you will feel a oneness within them… We are divine love We are divine light We are oneness”


Released 11 - 11 - 2022

Music Producer and vocals - Carlos Carty
Music Video Production - Carlos Carty

Artist - Śhakra Jewel


Album cover - Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Copyright by Juliane Renée

license. all rights reserved

Our guide is joined by a male voice and they begin to sing “HU”, a sacred chant that has been used for thousands of years as a prayer. HU is an ancient name for God, and is the sound behind all sounds, entwined into the language of life. Like the wind in the leaves, the falling rain, laughter, and ocean waves, HU is woven into all. The chanting voices are gentle yet powerful in their simplicity and the listener is enveloped in the beauty of the book of life. The notes from the native flute are flowing throughout and tell a beautiful story of emotion and human feeling which resonates with the shared experiences of the human soul. As the voices continue they sing: “Hallelujah my Lord Hallelujah my Lord You are my light My divine light Let’s take flight Into the sunlight Divine love From above Divine light Divine love The sacred love” The sweet soprano tones of our guide are complimented by the deeper tones of our male vocalist . With reverent adoration they soar in perfect unison into the heavenly realms, reflecting humanity’s collective soul yearning to be in communion with the Lord. “Akasha” pierces the listener’s soul with its beauty, reverence, and humility.

Ancla 12


12 - HONU Pedro Vayu Gallinger.jpg


 Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inch.

The track “Honu Lani” celebrates, through native traditions, the unity and connectedness of feminine and masculine energies, the unbreakable linkage of humankind to the natural world, and the relationship of heaven, earth, and sea. “Honu Lani” was conceived at Anini Beach in Kauai, Hawaii and honors Native cultures across all lands. It is fitting, as this track marks the completion of the “In The Light of Jewels” series, to acknowledge Juliane Renée and Carlos Carty, the creative duo that has brought this uniquely beautiful album to humanity. In prayer and deep contemplation during her daily visits to Anini Beach, Juliane was immersed in the sea, sand, and sun. While swimming in mother ocean each day she noticed the sea turtles moving ever closer to the sun kissed shore. “Honu Lani” (turtle heaven) was born out of the depths of the sea and from the center of Juliane’s heart. The Honu (sea turtles) represent the eternal link between man, land, and sea. Since ancient times they have been considered a form of Aumakua (ancestral spirit offering) within the Ohana. Ohana means family, both immediate family as well as the familial bond that all Native peoples share. In ancient Hawaiian mythology the Honu offer lifelong protection, wisdom, and guidance. As these ancient creatures popped their heads out of the sea and allowed the currents to bring them closer to Juliane she realized that the lessons they offer us are as relevant today as they were all those generations ago.


Released 12 - 12 - 2022

Music Producer and vocals - Carlos Carty
Music Video Production - Carlos Carty

Artist - Śhakra Jewel


Album cover - Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Copyright by Juliane Renée

license. all rights reserved

We are truly blessed to have Carlos Carty guiding and producing “In The Light Of Jewels.” His masterful playing of the native flute, among other instruments, as well as his songwriting and vocal ability is incomparable. As we are honoring all Native cultures with this track we would like to recognize Carlos, a descendent of the Inca. We honor him and his tribe. As Juliane and Carlos’ voices join in singing the Native chant, the strength of the Andes and the beautiful movement of the sea unite, and we are all blessed. As the track “Honu Lani” opens we hear the clear strong note of the native flute welcoming us in to a special place of primal power and love. The waves from the sea join in and the voice of our mermaid guide speaks to us all. The listener feels invigorated and connected with a primal force of movement, breath, and life.

Ancla 13


Sublime love Pedro Vayu Gallinger_edited.jpg


 Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inch.

Welcome to our chill-out lounge music. We are curating a series of Ambient soundscape for relaxation. A movement into divine love; soothing meditative healing for our listeners with special effect audio visual. Divine Love is purity that focuses on love, creation, and support.


Released 2023 - 03 - 14

Music Producer and vocals - Carlos Carty
Music Video Production - Carlos Carty

Artist - Śhakra Jewel


Album cover - Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Copyright by Juliane Renée

license. all rights reserved

It’s the energy that aims to connect you with the universe's infinite nature. You are a divine being in your own right. Divine love honors this Divine love is an energy of equality. ​Time to Chill....and Relax into Paradise

Ancla 14


Moon444 new PEDRO VAYU GALLINGER_edited.jpg

MOON 444

 Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inch.


We present with much love to all our followers "Moon 444", the dreamy song by Carlos Carty and Śhakra Jewel that celebrates a beautiful new cycle. The song is inspired by the deep connection that human beings have with the universe, the equinoxes and the phases of the moon, and highlights divine love and the importance of protecting and loving our family. The song's lyrics were inspired by an ancestral Native American lullaby: Ho, Ho Watanay, which gives it an authentic, magical touch, awakening our inner child to finally have a peaceful sleep. The song is performed with voices in the Native American language and in English, with acoustic instruments such as guitar, native flute and drums with a touch of flamenco flavor. The combination of these elements creates a deep and spiritual atmosphere that connects us with culture and ancestral tradition.

Released 2023-02-14

Music Producer and vocals - Carlos Carty
Music Video Production - Carlos Carty

Artist - Śhakra Jewel


Album cover - Pedro Vayu Gallinger

Copyright by Juliane Renée

license. all rights reserved

The cover of the single, created by the artist Pedro Vayu especially for this project, portrays in its beautiful shapes and colors the importance of the family as the basis of our human civilization, and how the protection and love of our loved ones are essential for our spiritual evolution. and earthly. We wholeheartedly hope that you find and make your own the message that we broadcast from the cosmos by listening and dreaming of Moon 444.

Ancla 15
Shakti Cosmic Dance
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Commercial Information:

Company Name: InspireMe​
CNPJ (Company ID): 52.062.856/0001-95
Legal Name: 52.062.856 PEDRO GALLINGER

Estimated shipping time: 7 - 20 days

Vayu Art, Spiritual Art, Vayu, Painting

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